WoodLots Directory
Please Note
Some of our network of people placing adverts on Woodlots have been contacted by spammers. WoodNet do not charge for adverts, so please do not respond.
If you have any queries about the submitting, amending or deleting adverts please contact us using email info@woodnet.org.uk or by phone on 01580 879552.Thirty Years in Wilderness Wood by Chris Yarrow Hardback, 313pp colour illustrations, excellent reviews.
£16.90 incl p+p.
East Sussex
Advert Start Date: 10/8/18
Contact: Chris Yarrow
T: 01825 831972
Seasoned Larch for Sale One straight felled and seasoned larch tree trunk.
All bark now fallen off.
5.1 meters long. Measurements exclude bark therefore:
One end 18cm diameter, other end 28cm diameter.
NN12: South Northamptonshire (A5)
Advert Start Date: 14/4/15
Contact: H R Cooper
T: 01908 543568
Sycamore Timber Very large sycamore tree coming down in South Wales on 8th November. Large logs suitable for turning.
Pontypridd, South Wales
Advert Start Date: 6/11/13
Contact: JeanetteMorris Dixon
M: 07758 811902
Woodsman by Ben Law - Living in a Wood in the 21st Century
Contact: Laura Lees, Harper Collins Publishers
T: 0208 307 4545
NEW BOOK:The Cultural Heritage of Chiltern Woods - An illustrated guide to archaeological features. 60 pages, A4 size, full colour with illustrations throughout.
£9.99 plus post and packing of £1.45. To order copies please contact
Contact: John Morris, Chiltern Woodland Project
T: 01844 355503
BOOKS by Julian Evans 'Badgers, Beeches and Blisters getting started in your own wood' £8.95; 'What Happened to Our Wood' £19.95. Both books £23.90. Cheques 'Patula Books', Box 6674, Basingstoke RG24 4DP.
Contact: Julian Evans, Patula Forestry Partnership
T: 01256 381124
'VIRTUAL' CHILTERNS WOOD on Chilterns AONB website. interactive 'hotspots' to bring up images, text, audio & video clips about particular species, features or historical aspects of the wood.
Contact: John Morris, Chiltern Woodland Project
T: 01844 355503